Checklist Output

Team Player Card Set Card Number Print Run
New York KnicksElfrid PaytonBase4339
New York KnicksJulius RandleBase5639
New York KnicksRJ BarrettBase139
New York KnicksElfrid PaytonBase Emerald435
New York KnicksJulius RandleBase Emerald565
New York KnicksRJ BarrettBase Emerald15
New York KnicksElfrid PaytonBase Holo Gold4310
New York KnicksJulius RandleBase Holo Gold5610
New York KnicksRJ BarrettBase Holo Gold110
New York KnicksElfrid PaytonBase Platinum431
New York KnicksJulius RandleBase Platinum561
New York KnicksRJ BarrettBase Platinum11
New York KnicksRJ BarrettCity of Gold Signatures1779
New York KnicksRJ BarrettCity of Gold Signatures Gold1725
New York KnicksRJ BarrettCity of Gold Signatures Holo Gold1710
New York KnicksRJ BarrettCity of Gold Signatures Platinum171
New York KnicksRJ BarrettGame of Inches75
New York KnicksKevin Knox II Gilded Signatures1249
New York KnicksKevin Knox II Gilded Signatures Gold1210
New York KnicksKevin Knox II Gilded Signatures Holo Gold125
New York KnicksKevin Knox II Gilded Signatures Platinum121
New York KnicksWalt FrazierGolden Vintage Autographs2749
New York KnicksWalt FrazierGolden Vintage Autographs Gold2725
New York KnicksWalt FrazierGolden Vintage Autographs Holo Gold2710
New York KnicksWalt FrazierGolden Vintage Autographs Platinum271
New York KnicksAllonzo TrierMagnificent Autographs1849
New York KnicksBobby PortisMagnificent Autographs2149
New York KnicksAllonzo TrierMagnificent Autographs Gold1810
New York KnicksBobby PortisMagnificent Autographs Gold2110
New York KnicksAllonzo TrierMagnificent Autographs Holo Gold185
New York KnicksBobby PortisMagnificent Autographs Holo Gold215
New York KnicksAllonzo TrierMagnificent Autographs Platinum181
New York KnicksBobby PortisMagnificent Autographs Platinum211
New York KnicksRJ BarrettNouveau Riche Patch Autographs379
New York KnicksRJ BarrettNouveau Riche Patch Autographs Gold325
New York KnicksRJ BarrettNouveau Riche Patch Autographs Holo Gold310
New York KnicksRJ BarrettNouveau Riche Patch Autographs Jersey Number39
New York KnicksRJ BarrettNouveau Riche Patch Autographs Platinum31
New York KnicksAllonzo TrierOpulent Autographs449
New York KnicksBobby PortisOpulent Autographs849
New York KnicksKevin Knox II Opulent Autographs2049
New York KnicksAllonzo TrierOpulent Autographs Gold425
New York KnicksBobby PortisOpulent Autographs Gold825
New York KnicksKevin Knox II Opulent Autographs Gold2025
New York KnicksAllonzo TrierOpulent Autographs Holo Gold410
New York KnicksBobby PortisOpulent Autographs Holo Gold810
New York KnicksKevin Knox II Opulent Autographs Holo Gold2010
New York KnicksAllonzo TrierOpulent Autographs Platinum41
New York KnicksBobby PortisOpulent Autographs Platinum81
New York KnicksKevin Knox II Opulent Autographs Platinum201
New York KnicksMike BibbyOpulent Scripts149
New York KnicksRolando BlackmanOpulent Scripts1149
New York KnicksWalt FrazierOpulent Scripts2749
New York KnicksMike BibbyOpulent Scripts Gold110
New York KnicksRolando BlackmanOpulent Scripts Gold1110
New York KnicksWalt FrazierOpulent Scripts Gold2710
New York KnicksMike BibbyOpulent Scripts Holo Gold15
New York KnicksRolando BlackmanOpulent Scripts Holo Gold115
New York KnicksWalt FrazierOpulent Scripts Holo Gold275
New York KnicksMike BibbyOpulent Scripts Platinum11
New York KnicksRolando BlackmanOpulent Scripts Platinum111
New York KnicksWalt FrazierOpulent Scripts Platinum271
New York KnicksBernard KingPrecious Swatch Signatures2849
New York KnicksBernard KingPrecious Swatch Signatures Gold2810
New York KnicksBernard KingPrecious Swatch Signatures Holo Gold285
New York KnicksBernard KingPrecious Swatch Signatures Platinum281
New York KnicksRJ BarrettRookie Octo Signature Booklet125
New York KnicksRJ BarrettRookie Patch Autographs Booklet10399
New York KnicksRJ BarrettRookie Patch Autographs Booklet Brand Logo1035
New York KnicksRJ BarrettRookie Patch Autographs Booklet FOTL10313
New York KnicksRJ BarrettRookie Patch Autographs Booklet FOTL Gold Proof1031
New York KnicksRJ BarrettRookie Patch Autographs Booklet Nameplate1037
New York KnicksRJ BarrettRookie Patch Autographs Booklet Sponsor Logo1035
New York KnicksRJ BarrettRookie Patches Booklet335
New York KnicksRJ BarrettRookie Patches Booklet Brand Logo35
New York KnicksRJ BarrettRookie Patches Booklet Sponsor Logo35
New York KnicksRJ BarrettRookie Patches Booklet Tags35